The first thing you should do is call your insurance company and file a claim. If your insurance company asks you to jump through these hoops just politely say NO. It is an estimate of how much money and what the insurance company thinks it will take to repair your car. You may think your estimate looks a little low. I've seen estimates for $1500 on a car that had over $6000 in damage. Unfortunately many people choose to keep they're insurance money and never get their car fix. The insurance companies lose millions of dollars every year to fraudulent claims.
The next step is to find a company to repair your dents. If you have large dents with paint damage and broken windows you will probably need to find a full service body shop. If you have mostly quarter sized dents and the damage is just superficial then PDR is the best option. A good PDR shop can make your car look exactly like it did before the hail damage.
Some insurance companies send an appraiser out right away while other companies can take 7-10 days. Often times we get twice as much money as the original estimate. You have a contract with your insurance company that you will pay the first $500, $1000, or whatever your deductible is, towards the repair of your vehicle. If we file a supplement it is expressed that we earned that money in addition to the original estimate.
Once you find your repair shop or PDR company it is important that you know where the shop is and meet the owner or manager. Even if a company is not a member the BBB will still field complaints and keep files on companies that receive complaints.
In conclusion PDR is definitely a great alternative to traditional body repair, and with a little research and due diligence the average person can navigate the claims process and find a great shop to repair their car for little or no money out of pocket!
My Car Has Hail Damage, Now What?
$100, $200 or $300 dollar payments can be a $5,000, $10,000 or more car.
There's more to negotiating a car purchase than just your car payment.
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